SolutionsAugust 9, 2024

Discover PubGen.AI: Revolutionize your publication with AI-assisted content creation, advanced story management, and in-depth analytics. Streamline workflows, enhance customization, and manage multiple publications effortlessly.

story image illustation

Key Takeaways:

1. PubGen.AI offers advanced story management, including AI-assisted content creation and comprehensive scheduling.

2. Enhanced customization options and in-depth analytics integration streamline publication processes.

3. Efficient user and workspace management features support multi-publication operations.

Introducing PubGen.AI: The Future of Content Management

In today's fast-paced digital publication landscape, a robust content management system (CMS) is essential. Enter PubGen.AI, a cutting-edge platform designed to revolutionize how modern publications manage their content. This article delves into the comprehensive capabilities of PubGen.AI, showcasing its advanced story management, customization options, and user-friendly features.

Advanced Story Management: A New Era of Content Handling

Comprehensive Story Handling

PubGen.AI excels in managing stories with ease. Users can create, update, archive, and delete stories effortlessly. The platform's powerful search functionality allows for filtering stories by various criteria, such as drafted, published, archived, and more. Additionally, PubGen.AI supports importing stories from the Associated Press (AP) and other publications, ensuring a seamless content flow.

AI-Assisted Content Creation

Leveraging artificial intelligence, PubGen.AI can generate story headings, leads, and content. Custom rule sets for title, lead, and content generation ensure that the output aligns with the publication's style and tone. This feature not only saves time but also maintains consistency across all stories.

Scheduling and Archiving

PubGen.AI offers flexible scheduling and archiving options. Users can set release and archive dates in the past or future, making it easy to manage content timelines. For non-circulated AP stories, the platform automatically archives them after 30 days, ensuring a clutter-free workspace.

Enhanced Customization and Analytics: Tailoring Your Publication

Customization Options

With PubGen.AI, users can associate writers, tags, and sections to stories, providing a structured and organized content library. The platform allows for determining access levels, whether free, metered, or subscribed, and offers extensive customization for static pages and the front page. Users can choose to display top stories programmatically or manually, ensuring the most relevant content is always front and center.

In-depth Analytics and Advertisement Integration

PubGen.AI integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics and offers custom in-site analytics. This feature provides insights into top stories by view, filtered by day, week, month, or year, and can be sorted by section or author. For revenue generation, the platform supports manual and optimized ad placements through Google Ad Manager.

Optimized Publication Site

The publication site benefits from customizable styles, optimized UI/UX, and superior image rendering. PubGen.AI ensures high performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO scores, outperforming even top publications like The New York Times.

User and Workspace Management: Streamlining Operations

Managing Users and Permissions

PubGen.AI allows for efficient user management by granting different access levels and inviting users to the CMS or workspace. This feature ensures that the right people have the right access, streamlining the editorial process.

Multi-workspace and Multi-publication Support

The platform supports creating and accessing multiple workspaces within the same session, eliminating the need to log in and out repeatedly. Users can manage multiple publications under one platform, making it ideal for large media houses.

Additional Features

PubGen.AI integrates with Mailchimp for seamless newsletter management and Stripe for handling subscription plans. The context-aware chatbot, customizable DNA, and prompts enhance user interaction, providing a personalized experience.

Wrapping Up: The Impact of PubGen.AI on Digital Content Management

PubGen.AI's advanced features, from story management to user and workspace handling, make it a game-changer in the digital publication industry. By streamlining processes and enhancing customization, PubGen.AI empowers publications to focus on what they do best: delivering quality content to their audience.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, PubGen.AI stands at the forefront, offering innovative solutions to meet the needs of modern publications.

Detailed Feature List:


  • Create, update, archive, and delete stories
  • Search story by keyword and filters (drafted, publish state, archived, is AP, flagged to Review, section, author, paywall, display type)
  • Can create story via AP story import
  • Can import one or multiple stories from other publications
  • Can use AI to generate story Heading
  • Can use AI to generate story Lead
  • Can use AI to generate story content
  • Can set release date of story in past or future (*beneficial for scheduling)
  • Can set archive date of story in past or future (*particularly useful for archiving non-circulated AP stories after 30 days)
  • Can associate one or multiple writers to each story and add optional byline
  • Can associate one or multiple tags to each story
  • Associate section to the story
  • Can determine the access level for each story (free | metered
  • subscribed)
  • Can determine the external display of the story, aka, where this story will be displayed on site.
  • Can create sponsored or submitted stories
  • Can have carousel or iframe in the story header
  • Story content benefits from WYSIWYG, which includes embedding images, iframes, and links.
  • Can add editor notes
  • Can customize SEO
  • Can preview story on mobile, tablet, or desktop breakpoint
  • Can activate “focus mode” when working on a story
  • Ability to use story version history

A.I. Generation

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  • Ability to create an audience and write rules
  • Ability to create custom rule sets for title, lead, and content generation

Writers, Section, Tags

  • Ability to create, update, archive


  • Ability to create, update, and delete menus
  • Ability to associate menus with different site placements

Template & Pages

  • Ability to customize the publication’s static pages (as opposed to dynamic pages). This includes the front page, contact page, privacy policy, etc.
  • Front Page customizations are extensive. Some page sections can be determined programmatically (such as automatically choosing the Top Stories to be displayed based on time and external display of stories) or manually chosen.


  • Easy integration with Google Analytics
  • Additional custom in-site analytics which gives top stories (by view) for day, week, month, or year, with filters available by section or author


  • Easy integration with Google Ad Manager
  • Ability to place ads manually
  • Optimized placements on publication site for revenue generation

Publication Site

  • Ability to place site under secure password
  • Ability to customize Publication site styles (colors, typography, etc.)
  • Optimized UI/UX
  • Optimized image rendering
  • Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO scores higher than almost all publications, including NY Times)
  • Use of the latest technology (NextJS) and best practices


  • Chatbot available for CMS and Publication site
  • The chatbot on the publication site is page context-aware. User prompts like “summarize this story” on a story page will be effective.
  • Ability to add pre-written prompts to chatbot
  • Ability to customize these prompts per page category (*gives the ability, for example, to have a different prompt on the home page or story)
  • Ability to customize the Chatbot DNA to match the publication - who it is, when it was founded, etc.

Associated Press

  • Can automatically import and auto-publish Associated Press articles based on AP product type.
  • When auto-publishing, you can customize the access level section and determine if a preview image is required and if it’s a ‘top story.’


  • Easy integration with Mailchimp
  • Newsletters smartly appear on the publication site
  • The ability for user to manage newsletter access on the publication site


  • Easy integration with Stripe
  • Ability on the platform to create, manage, or edit subscription plans
  • Ability to export subscriber data with optional filters of planned, date, or subscription status
  • Ability to create “free” plans for existing subscribers

CMS Users and Permissions

  • Ability to grant each user different access levels according to publication and workspace
  • Ability to invite users to join CMS or workspace
  • Ability to manage users' access

Workspaces and Publications

  • Ability to create one or multiple workspaces and have access to them within the same session (not having to log out / login)
  • Ability to create one or multiple publications per publication
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